Thursday, August 30, 2007
M 2, Pants 0
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Why is it . . .
Wash, Dry, Fold . . . . Repeat
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
You Know It's Going to be a Long Day When . . .
Monday, August 20, 2007
Homework Might Kill Me
Oh, oh, oh, oh . . .
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Really Good Chocolate

Friday, August 17, 2007
Working - But Just a Bit
The next option would be that I continue do the small odd jobs I have been doing for most of the last year. Not a bad idea expect it's very little money for a good bit of work (not that I mind working, but when a job only pays $10 and it takes 3 hours to complete - you do the math.) So while I will probably continue to do those odd jobs, they won't really satisfy the income need.
Another option would have been to ramp up my photo business in hopes of making it more profitable. This is really my favorite option, but also the most costly (I really need some additional equipment, not to mention some kind of advertising, not that it has to be fancy, but something to get my name out there more, and that can be costly.) So again while I will continue to work on the portrait business (as well as the art fairs I started participating in this summer) it will not be my main focus, yet.
So all of this is the long way of saying that I have been seeking employment. I have applied several places (not fast food, I refuse to do fast food right now, we are not that desperate), even received one job offer (which would have really been a fab job in my field, but the hours were outrageous for someone who had hopes of still being able to put her kids on the bus and be there when they got home - and really is that too much to ask? I could totally be the person there before the high school kids got out, okay there might be a couple hours between when I'd need to leave and the high-schoolers could get there, but come on, there's bound to be some kid out of school early on work release - do they still do that?), but so far nothing has really fit the bill.
Until today, and while you might scoff, have you ever tried finding a job when the last entry on your resume is from over 10 years ago and the company has gone out of business, so there's no one to contact for a job reference, you can't remember your boss's name, much less how much you were being paid (and is that really relevant when it was 10 years ago anyway) or the exact dates of your employment? No? Not easy.
But I did find something and my work history or qualifications didn't even enter into the conversation. I think I was hired solely on the recommendation of a friend that works there and the company's recent loss of all the college kids that worked there over the summer. And I do know the general manager, but that did not come up either, but based on the person that recommended me for the position, they know I know the GM.
It's really pretty perfect, just enough to get my feet wet, a gentle transition from SAHM to WOHM, even if the WOHM is only one day a week.
And P will stay home with Nan on the day I work, leaving me with just the teeniest bit of mommy guilt. So yippee for me.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bait and Switch
So way back in January, the adults in the house started on South Beach. We only made it about 3 weeks before gradually dropping back into old habits. The one habit that stuck was using Splenda instead of sugar to make Kool-Aid. This was especially easy because Splenda had introduced these new Quick Packs that are equal to a cup of sugar - perfect for Kool-Aid. (In an effort for full disclosure I must admit that I use three Quick Packs to two Kool-Aid packs).
So I was doing great until I ran out of Quick Packs and couldn't find them at the local store. At first I believed they were just out and in a few days (on the next milk run), I'd be able to pick some up.
I tried another store, again no luck. I checked the Kool-Aid aisle instead of the sugar aisle. Nope.
During this time, I've been using the little packets to make Kool-Aid. I just couldn’t go back to using real sugar.
Today I ran out of little packets and had to use . . . Sugar. So I did the only thing left to me.
I ordered it online.
What a world.
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Honeymoon is Over
On Monday the kids started school. They were each up well before the appointed time, bouncy and already dressed.
On Tuesday they were again up before I came to wake them. They were not quite as bouncy, but J was thrilled to be riding the bus to school.
On Wednesday, they were awake, but still in bed when I came upstairs to assist with the morning rituals.
Thursday, they were not awake, but the quickly got out of bed when I turned on lights.
This morning was more like the scene in Freaky Friday (okay, not that bad, but it took some definite prodding to get the kids to give up their covers.)
And then when J got home from school, he said, "Today was my last day of school." I hated to burst his little bubble, but I couldn't let him think he was done. I gently informed him that he only had two days off and then would go back to school on Monday. "Okay," was all he said.
One week down. Now I remember why weekends are so good.