Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Why is it that the child who hasn't been able to stop coughing since late yesterday afternoon (I mean really couldn't stop, neither of us slept), who I kept home from school so that her coughing would not be a distraction, now hasn't coughed for over an hour.

And the child that woke up this morning with a cough but I sent to school because she wasn't nearly as bad off as the other, is probably coughing non-stop and her teacher is probably wondering why I let her go to school.

And I've made dr's appts for both and I called in sick to work so I could take them to the doctor, but now I'm second guessing whether or not the one really needs the doctor, but if I don't take her the coughing will start again this afternoon, but if I do the doctor will look at me like I'm crazy.

I just cannot win.


Anonymous said...

BTDT! Seriously, can we ever win? Hope they are both feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Well, nobody makes a better liar out of parents than their children. That's why we have them. To excuse all the lies. Oh, no wait, we had them to do all the chores. My bad.