Friday, February 13, 2009

The Library

I go through phases when it comes to buying or borrowing books. I have been in a buying phase for a very long time, which means I hadn't been to the new library in town. Since we are trying to stick to a budget, I figured an easy place to trim would be my book spending. Today I went back to the library looking for a couple of specific books.

First I wanted Jane Eyre. I have read it, but not since middle school and I remember not being very impressed, but after reading The Eyre Affair: A Thursday Next Novel by Jasper Fforde (review coming soon) I felt like I should give Jane Eyre another chance. I also wanted the book that comes after The Eyre Affair as well as Great Expectations (which figures heavily in the other book I wanted and which I have never read).

I was disappointed in my efforts. Jane Eyre was checked out, and although the library does have other books by the author of The Eyre Affair, it did not have the one I wanted (must read them in order says my OCD). I did find Great Expectations.

While there, I thought I'd look for Chiefs by Stuart Woods so I could keep working on my resolution, but I couldn't find where the M-Z fiction continued and I already had a stack of five books, so maybe next time.

While checking out, I was surprised to find that I had a $15 late fee dating back to 2006 (I said it had been a while since I'd been to the library, and maybe this is the reason I started a buying phase). Thankfully the nice librarian let me check out books even though I didn't have the cash to pay the fine. If she hadn't I probably would have come right home and continued my buying phase.

Now off to start a new book.

1 comment:

kristenhcubed said...

You started buying books in order to avoid paying a $15.00 late fee at the library? Way to go, you thrifty gal!