Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dragon Tears by Dean Koontz

Dragon Tears, published in 1993, is the story of a perfectionist police detective being stalked by a "hulking street person (who) prophesies that Harry will be dead by dawn, the self-destructs before his eyes. As twilight falls, Harry . . . finds his rational world transformed into a place of bizarre surprises and unimaginable dangers. As dawn ticks closer, Harry is caught in a whirlwind of terror that threatens to sweep away not only him but Connie and everyone he loves" (from the book jacket).

I had read this one before, although the only reason I know this is because I own it. I did not remember anything that happened after the first chapter. So whole new book for me. While not quite at the level of his latest works (The Husband and The Good Guy, for example) and not quite as memorable, obviously, as my favorites (Lighting, Watchers), this was solid and enjoyable. The end wrapped up a little quickly for my tastes, but otherwise a good read. It probably wouldn't make my reread list again any time soon, but won't be given away either.

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